How Long Does It Take To See Results From Executive Coaching?

“When will I see results” is the million-dollar question and may well be code for, “when will I see a return on my investment”? Either way, let us set the scene and make sure everything is in place. You have commissioned an excellent executive coach, have established your objectives and are genuinely committed to personal…

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The Pitfalls of Executive Coaching and How to Avoid Them

Coaching is great! For many situations in professional and personal life, it is ace! Speaking with your coach gives you time to reflect on the situation in which you find yourself and is there to pose those “elephant in the room” questions no one else will. They will do this with compassion and your best…

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The Humble Leader

When you think about leadership traits, typically, what comes to mind are qualities like strength, vision, enthusiasm, charisma, and courage. Often overlooked is an essential leadership trait – humility. Sometimes leaders get caught up in promoting their success to a point where they appear shallow and self-absorbed. These qualities inspire very few people. However, what…

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Appreciate Your Strengths

Over the last half-century, there have been more than 1000 studies completed to define the characteristics of great leaders. Thankfully, they have all failed to find the silver bullet. There is no formula for being a great leader. The one nugget of wisdom that came to light was that you should avoid adopting a persona…

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The Big Ten Questions to ask When Looking For a Coach

You might find this a bit of a surprise, but over the last 25 years in the coaching and consulting sector, how rarely I get asked for any of the Ten Big things, you should think about before selecting an executive coach. Now, that is not to say there are not valid reasons behind this.…

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