Masaru Emoto, Water Crystals, and Our Health and Wellbeing

Masaru Emoto was a businessman born in Yokohama, Japan. During the 1990s, after receiving the rights to a magnetic resonance analyser, he started studying and experimenting with water crystals, with the results later published in a book called. “Hidden Messages in water”. Emoto was no scientist, and his work has been neither peer-reviewed nor evaluated…

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picture of Andrew Woodward looking out of the window

Why Use an Executive Coach?

It’s simple, it works. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the mean ROI for companies investing in coaching was seven times the initial investment. That means that for every dollar spent on coaching, the value added to that employee’s worth was 7 dollars. What an incredible return! ROI aside, executive coaches will elevate your career beyond what you…

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picture of Andrew Woodward wearing suit in empty room

How to Select an Executive Coach

You might find this a bit of a surprise, but over the last 25 years in the coaching and consulting sector, I rarely get asked for any of the top ten ways to select an executive coach. Now, that is not to say there are no valid reasons behind this. In some cases, I get…

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Executive Coaching: Humility is the Key to High Performing Leadership.

For an Executive Coach, it’s important to help clients think about the leadership qualities they value. Getting the right qualities helps define organisational culture and performance, so its key. When you think about leadership traits, typically, what comes to mind are qualities like strength, vision, enthusiasm, charisma, and courage. Often overlooked is an essential leadership…

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How can an Executive Coach help me?

One of the most important aspects of becoming a successful leader is getting to know who you are and learning to appreciate your strengths. Over the last half-century, there have been more than 1000 studies completed to define the characteristics of great leaders. Thankfully, they have all failed to find the silver bullet. There is…

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stolen picture of Andrew Woodward drinking coffee in a cafe

How Executive Coaching Works; Attending to Our Clients

As Executive Coaches, we’re here to help individuals, teams, and organisations perform better in our increasingly blended world. We provide a challenging yet creative space to achieve personal insight and support the achievement of a client’s personal or professional potential. Things are changing in coaching: We live in a changing world with the rapid blending…

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Networking for Executive Coaches at Three Degrees of Separation

The world is vast compared to our immediate social network, and the question of how closely we are connected has fascinated mathematicians and anthropologists for decades. In 1929, the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy set out a theory that said we are only separated by six degrees, meaning that there are only five people in the…

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