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North Yorkshire

Enham Trust

West Berkshire



Hull City Council



Isle of Wight


Scottish Fire & Rescue

Folkestone & Hythe

Folkestone & Hythe

Folkestone & Hythe

"My coaching sessions helped me ask questions and explore the journey I was on. This wasn't in a harsh way. I think it wouldn't have suited me, but gently and encouraging.
The sessions showed me possibilities that previously seemed like massive mountains, broken down into really small steps. Much less daunting. The sessions were full of helpful suggestions on working with colleagues to get the best out of my team.
The use of questions was empathic. My coach got me. I felt understood.
My coach asked about the fire I wanted to light at one stage and whether I was the match or the fire itself. That got me thinking. I want to create a place for people to come and feel the warmth of appreciation. I don't want to make a roaring blaze.
Coaching helps me trust that setting off on my journey was the right course of action, and not having a precise destination was fine. So, I have my flask of tea and sandwiches, and off I go."

Revd Dr Harriet Harris MBE FRSA
University Chaplain and Head of Chaplaincy Service
Co-Director, Global Compassion Initiative
Honorary Fellow of the Divinity School
Associate Fellow, Clinical Educator Programme University of Edinburgh
Pro Bono Work
Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the most amazing young people through my association with Know You More Digital Coaching and their partnership with Common Purpose.
These initiatives are strengths based, personal leadership programmes that are free for young adults from all backgrounds aged between 18 and 25.
It is an accessible programme that has been designed to help young people understand themselves, and their strengths to confidently navigate early adulthood.